

Scenarie teorihistorie 

Living in the Futures 
Angela Wilkinson and Roland Kupers

Its conceptual history is complex and has been influenced by a number of companies, institutes and schools, e.g. the RAND Corporation, Stanford Research Institute, Shell, SEMA Metra Consulting Group and many others (Godet, 1987; Ringland, 1998; van der Heijden, 1996).
Advantages and Disadvantages of Scenario Approaches for Strategic Foresight International Journal Technology Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 220-239, 2005 ... 

Ringland, G. (1998) Scenario Planning: Managing for the Future, Wiley, Chichester. 

Berger, G. "Phénoménologies du Temps et Prospectives." Presse Universitaires de France, 1964.

Bradfield, Ron; Wright, George; Burt, George; Cairns, George; Heijden, Kees Van Der. "The origins and evolution of scenario techniques in long range business planning". Futures. 37 (8): 795–812.

Kahn, Herman 1965: Thinking About the Unthinkable. New York: Horizon Press.

Schoemaker, Paul J.H. “Multiple Scenario Development: Its Conceptual and Behavioral Foundation,” Strategic Management Journal. Vol. 14: 1993, pp 193-213.

Schwartz, Peter. The Art of the Long View. Doubleday, 1991.

van der Heijden, Kees. Scenarios: The Art of Strategic Conversation. Wiley & Sons, 1996.

Wack, Pierre. "Scenarios: Uncharted Waters Ahead", Harvard Business Review. September–October, 1985.

Scenario planning